Больная любовь - Джесс Хилл (2021)

Больная любовь
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Мы опасаемся темных переулков, хотя, согласно статистике, самым опасным для женщины местом является дом. В 2017 году в мире было зарегистрировано 87000 убийств женщин, треть из них совершены сексуальными партнерами, а в 20000 случаев убийцей оказался тот или иной родственник. В России примерно 40 % убийств женщин совершает партнер. Известная журналистка в этой мастерски написанной работе исследует проблему домашнего насилия. Автор смело отвечает на неудобные вопросы, как и почему общество создает насильников, почему не в состоянии защитить жертв, демонстрирует ошибочную логику жертв, бросает вызов всему, что вам было известно о эмоциональном и физическом насилии. Джесс Хилл приводит реальные истории пострадавших и показывает, как решить эту проблему.

Больная любовь - Джесс Хилл читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги

30. Domestic Violence Law Reform, The Victim’s Voice Survey: Victim’s Experience of Domestic Violence and the Criminal Justice System, Paladin, Sara Charlton Charitable Foundation and Women’s Aid, 2014.

31. Paul McGorrery & Marilyn McMahon, ‘It’s time «coercive control» was made illegal in Australia’, The Conversation, 30 April 2019.

32. Ibid.

Глава 9. Зазеркалье

1. Caroline Overington ‘Child custody: One mother’s bitter lesson in sharing the kids with dad’, The Australian, 10 November 2017.

2. Helen Rhoades, Reg Graycar & Margaret Harrison, ‘The Family Law Reform Act 1995: The first three years’, Australian Family Lawyer: The Journal of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia, 2001, 15(1), pp. 1–8; H. Rhoades, ‘The dangers of shared care legislation: Why Australia needs (yet more) family law reform’, Federal Law Review, 2008, 36(3); R. Field et al., ‘Family reports and family violence in Australian family law proceedings: What do we know?’ Journal of Judicial Administration, 2016, 25(4), pp. 212–36; L. Laing, No Way to Live: Women’s Experiences of negotiating the family law system in the context of domestic violence, New South Wales Health, University of Sydney and Benevolent Society, 2010; D. Bagshaw et al., ‘Family violence and family law in Australia: The experiences and views of children and adults from families who separated post-1995 and post-2006’, Family Matters, 2011, 8, pp. 49–61.

3. Witness statement of Kelsey Lee Hegarty, Royal Commission into Family Violence, August 2015.

4. Rae Kaspiew, ‘Separated parents and the family law system: What does the evidence say?’ Australia Institute of Family Studies, 2016.

5. Ibid.

6. K. Webster et al., Australians’ attitudes to violence against women and gender equality: Findings from the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS), Research report, 03/2018, Sydney, NSW: ANROWS, 2018.

7. Nico Trocmé et al., Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect, final report Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect, National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, Ottawa: Health Canada, 2001.

8. Nico Trocmé & Nicholas Bala, ‘False allegations of abuse and neglect when parents separate’, Child Abuse & Neglect, 2005, 29, pp. 1333–45.

9. Harriet Alexander, ‘False abuse claims are the new court weapon, retiring judge says’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 6 July 2013.

10. F. M. Horwill, ‘The outcome of custody cases in the Family Court of Australia’, Family and Conciliation Courts Review, 1979, 17(2), pp. 31–40.

11. Colin James, Winners and Losers: The father factor in Australian child custody law, Australia and New Zealand Law and History Society E-Journal, 2005, citing the following papers: F. M. Horwill & Bordow, The Outcome of Defended Custody Cases in the Family Court of Australia, Research Report No. 4, Sydney: Family Court of Australia, 1983. In the United States: P. M. Doyle and W. A. Caron, ‘Contested custody intervention: An empirical assessment’ in D. H. Olson et al. (eds) Child Custody: Literature Review and Alternative Approaches, St Paul, MN: Hennepin County Domestic Relations Division, 1979; Weitzman and Dixon, ‘Child custody awards: Legal standards and empirical patterns for child custody, support and visitation after divorce’, 1979, 12 UC Davis L Rev 473; in the United Kingdom: J. Eekelaar and Clive, with K. Clarke & S. Raikes, Custody after Divorce: The disposition of custody in divorce cases in Great Britain, 1977, Oxford, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, 1977; S. Maidment, Child Custody: What chance for fathers? London: National Council for One Parent Families, 1981.

12. The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 July 1984, as cited in Colin James, ‘Media, men and violence in Australian divorce’, Alternative Law Journal, 2006, 31(1).

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