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The Italian's Christmas Housekeeper - Шэрон Кендрик (2019)

The Italian's Christmas Housekeeper
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    The Italian's Christmas Housekeeper
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От заправки кушетки миллиардера... до День рождения под его простынями! Застенчивая домоправительница Молли Джонсон всегда пытается изо всех сил. Она стремнётся произвести впечатленье на возмутительно богатейшего гостя особняка Сальвио Де Дженнаро, но вместо этого несправедливо полемизирует своим работодателем! Нахоженная Всхлипывающим Сальвио, она печалится... самым поразительным опытом в своей жизни. Когда эта невообразимая встреча стаиваю Молли ее работки, Сальвио спасает ее с обворожительным предложением: приняться его временной экономкой-как разок к Рождеству! Немногое из того, о чем рассказывает " Конник без головы ", Майн Купер сам испытал, лицезрел или слышал от вернейших людей. Народился он в 1818 году в Шотландии. Отец его был священнослужителем и сына желал направить по тому же тропе. А Майн Купер ушел в океане. Перед ним, по его собственным словечкам, ожили странички из учебника биологии. Ему только того и нужно было: на деле перепроверить книги. Но как в закрытом море, как и в "море" людском он исделал для себя неприятное закрытие.

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‘Not unless you tell me, I don’t.’

‘Because Lady Avery would hit the roof if she caught me socialising with one of the guests.’

‘And how’s she going to find out?’ he questioned with soft complicity. ‘I won’t tell if you won’t. Come on, Molly. You’re shivering. What harm will it do?’

Molly hesitated because she was tempted—more tempted than she should have been. Maybe it was because she was feeling so cold—both inside and out. A coldness she’d been unable to shift after the telling off she’d just been given by Lady Avery, who had arrived in the kitchen in an evil temper, shaking with rage as she’d shouted at Molly. She’d told her she was clumsy and incompetent. That she’d never been so ashamed in her life and no wonder Signor De Gennaro had cut short the evening so unexpectedly.

Yet now that same man was standing in the doorway of her humble room, asking her to have a drink with him. He had removed his tie and undone the top button of his shirt, giving him a curiously relaxed and accessible air. It was easy to see why Lady Avery had made a fool of herself over him during dinner. Who wouldn’t fall for his olive-dark skin and gleaming ebony eyes?

Yet despite his sexy appearance, he had looked at her understandingly when she’d messed up during dinner. He’d come to her rescue—and there was that same sense of concern on his face now. He had an unexpected streak of kindness, she thought, and kindness was hard to resist. Especially when you weren’t expecting it. An icy blast of wind rushed in through the gap in the window frame and once again Molly shivered. The days ahead didn’t exactly fill her with joy and her worries about Robbie were never far from the surface. Couldn’t she loosen up for once in her life? Break out of the lonely mould she’d created for herself by having a drink with the Italian tycoon?

She gave a tentative shrug. ‘Okay, then. I will. Just a quick one, mind. And thank you,’ she added, as she slipped her feet back into the sensible brogues she’d just kicked off. ‘Thank you very much.’

He gave a brief nod, as if her agreement was something he’d expected all along, and Molly tried to tell herself that this meant nothing special—at least, not to him. But as he turned his back and began to walk she realised her heart was racing and Molly was filled with an unfamiliar kind of excitement as she followed Salvio De Gennaro along the narrow corridor towards his grand bedroom on the floor below.



‘Thanks.’ Molly took the brandy Salvio was offering her, wondering if she’d been crazy to accept his invitation to have a drink with him, because now she was in his room she felt hopelessly embarrassed and out of place. She noticed his half-packed open suitcase lying on the far side of the room and, for some stupid reason, her heart sank. He obviously couldn’t wait to get away from here. Awkwardly, she shifted from one foot to the other.

‘Why don’t you sit down over there, beside the fire?’ he suggested.

Lowering herself into the chair he’d indicated, Molly thought how weird it was to find herself in the role of visitor to a room she had cleaned so many times. Just this morning she’d been in here, fluffing up the new duvet and making sure the monogrammed pillowcases were all neatly facing in the right direction. Over there were the neat stack of freshly ironed newspapers Lady Avery had insisted on, and the jug of water with the little lace cover on top. Yet it was funny how quickly you could get used to the dramatic change from servant to guest. The soft leather of the armchair felt deliciously soft as it sank beneath her weight and the warmth of the fire licked her skin. She took a tentative sip from her glass, recoiling a little as the powerful fumes wafted upwards.

‘Not much of a drinker?’ observed Salvio wryly, as he poured his own drink.

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